AA2A Artist

Mandeep Dillon

Sculpture, film, photography
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Project summary:

I work across various disciplines to explore notions of precarity. My artistic practice revolves around creating ephemeral sculpture that serves as an ongoing investigation into the transient nature of both human and non-human entities. The works, constructed primarily using inflatables, embody inherent fragility. Their corporeal stability teeters on a delicate equilibrium between the inner and outer pressure of their gossamer skins. Reacting to subtle environmental changes, their swollen buoyancy hints at an impending collapse. Orbs that dangle or wobble, may be interpreted as parodies of entrails or comedic characters. This juxtaposition offers viewers an experience that is both abstract and visceral, prompting a kinetic reaction and fostering awareness of their embodied relationship with the artworks. The AA2A opportunity presents an ideal space for me to delve deeper into the conceptual aspects of my practice. Access to workshops that provide the resources to experiment with new materials and techniques is vital to the next stage of my practice. This will enable me to expand my use of semi-transparent materials to include resin, silicone, and fiberglass. These materials are of interest me because they can be manipulated to possess a similar gossamer quality to inflatables while offering greater rigidity and endure the demands of longer gallery shows. I will also document my work through photography and film. These two-dimensional renditions will be digitally manipulated to produce abstractions of the original sculptures. I find it particularly rewarding to engage with students, whether through informal tutorials or by offering technical demonstrations. I enjoy discussing their creative processes, exchanging ideas, and suggesting references wherever I can. The project will culminate in a final exhibition, where I intend to showcase a series of amorphous sculptures alongside video and photographic prints. My hope is that both students and the public will have the opportunity to engage with these works.

I work across various disciplines to explore notions of precarity. My artistic practice revolves around creating ephemeral sculpture that serves as an ongoing investigation into the transient nature of both human and non-human entities. The works, constructed primarily using inflatables, embody inherent fragility. Their corporeal stability teeters on a delicate equilibrium between the inner and outer pressure of their gossamer skins. Reacting to subtle environmental changes, their swollen buoyancy hints at an impending collapse. Orbs that dangle or wobble, may be interpreted as parodies of entrails or comedic characters. This juxtaposition offers viewers an experience that is both abstract and visceral, prompting a kinetic reaction and fostering awareness of their embodied relationship with the artworks. The AA2A opportunity presents an ideal space for me to delve deeper into the conceptual aspects of my practice. Access to workshops that provide the resources to experiment with new materials and techniques is vital to the next stage of my practice. This will enable me to expand my use of semi-transparent materials to include resin, silicone, and fiberglass. These materials are of interest me because they can be manipulated to possess a similar gossamer quality to inflatables while offering greater rigidity and endure the demands of longer gallery shows. I will also document my work through photography and film. These two-dimensional renditions will be digitally manipulated to produce abstractions of the original sculptures. I find it particularly rewarding to engage with students, whether through informal tutorials or by offering technical demonstrations. I enjoy discussing their creative processes, exchanging ideas, and suggesting references wherever I can. The project will culminate in a final exhibition, where I intend to showcase a series of amorphous sculptures alongside video and photographic prints. My hope is that both students and the public will have the opportunity to engage with these works.

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